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Time for Change - QF New Offices  08-11-2023

Time for Change!

We spent 33 years in The Dublin Port Centre, a period in which we have grown and prospered, but the time has come for a change. 

The Dublin staff has grown to over 30 people, and while some are still working from home under the "Covid" hybrid model our growth had exceeded our Port location. 

Our new premises are opposite Dublin’s famous Croke Park stadium which are still in close proximity to the port, allowing us the space to grow and develop, offering a more modern and pleasant working environment with a court yard and staff ‘breakout’ areas.

Our growth has come from a number of sectors, significantly has been the energy market where they are active under the brand Renewable Logistics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quality Freight which they use as a vehicle to pursue the interest of their clients in the Energy sector, focusing on renewable and power generation projects.

Dublin HQ new office address:

Unit 2,
The Distillery Building,
Distillery Road,
Dublin 3,
D03 DH32